Monday, April 21, 2014

Vegas! May 4-8, but a quandary

So, it turns out I'm going to go to Vegas to do an event gig at the Electronics Convention that week, Sunday- Thursday, so essentially I'm getting paid to go to Vegas!  Although, it has been a little difficult to make it +EV as they aren't providing housing.  I'm making about $600 for the job, and don't want to cut too much into that roll.  All of the Strip hotels are up that week because of the convention, and ALL of the casinos, even the ones on Fremont, are adding that pesky 'resort fee' that essentially doibles the price of the rooms, with the exception of the El Cortez in Fremont, which only adds on $8.95 to their room.  I thought about staying outside town at the NV border but I did the math - when you add in gas to go every day it ends up being way more than some of the other options.   So, readers, do you have any tips?  Of course, I plan on making enough at the tables to stay at the Bellagio :) but I am trying to be responsible and practical in the worst case scenario.

Of course, I'll be doing a trip summary once all is done.


  1. u do know at silver sevens the resort fee is $3?

  2. I just checked and Binion's still has a poker room rate of $25 weeknight and $54 weekend nights (rooms are at the Four Queens plus tax and maybe the new resort fee?). There is no minimum play requirement but obviously some cash game play in the evening is nice to throw their way.

  3. I once saw a link for some private rentals that people use. However, it is on my laptop at home. Email me at smilingbrownbear AT netscape DOT net if you'd like me to send it to you tonight.
